
TrainTN is the official Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS) clearinghouse for approved trainings.

The TECTA Advantage

TrainTN approved trainings offer child care professionals with direct responsibility for the care and oversight of children, including center administrators and family child care home operators, opportunities to meet Tennessee Licensure Rules for Child Care Agencies (1240-04-01) training and professional development requirements.

TrainTN is a companion to the Tennessee Professional Archive of Learning (TNPAL) and is designed for professionals who wish to offer trainings to child care agency staff in order to meet Tennessee Licensure Rules for Child Care Agencies (1240-04-01) as well as Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) training and professional development requirements. Attendance of approved training is reflected in TNPAL.

Director-led in-service trainings are TrainTN approved. Child care program directors are automatically granted access to TrainTN through your Tennessee Professional Archive of Learning (TNPAL) credentials. In the portal, you can record internally delivered agency-based in-service training. Non-agency-based training delivered by external trainers, however, must be TrainTN approved.

Submitting a TrainTN Application
Applications are submitted in the TrainTN Application Portal. This includes PowerPoint presentations, handouts, and other supporting training documentation which must be submitted as Portable Document Format (PDF) files. Submitted applications will be checked for completeness. If additional/revised information is needed, the contact person will be notified, and the requested information must be resubmitted, prior to review.

You can apply as an individual trainer, an agency, or an organization sponsoring a conference/event.

The Trainer Application is for individual trainers providing expert training. It is recommended that trainers apply 2-3 months in advance to allow enough time to receive approval prior to your event.

The Agency Application covers agencies that provide expert training. Once approved, your agency’s training will be recognized for a period of 5 years.

The Conference Application is for organizations hosting a conference with presenters and workshop sessions. It is recommended to apply for trainer registration 2-3 months in advance to allow enough time to receive approval prior to your event.

Visit to complete an application in the online portal. Once your application has been received, you will be notified by email. Should you have any questions regarding training support, please contact