Empowering Minds, Nurturing Literacy: Reflections on the 16th Annual TECTA Summer Research Institute

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Aug. 28, 2024

The 16th Annual TECTA Summer Research Institute Webinar Series and Symposium came to a close this July, marking the end of a successful webinar series that brought together educators, researchers, and advocates to explore the theme of ” Empowering Minds: Nurturing Literacy in Every Child.”


This year’s Institute emphasized the importance of fostering literacy skills in young children while highlighting the empowerment that comes from literacy education. We covered topics that encompassed innovative teaching strategies, language development, social and emotional support strategies, the role of literacy in early childhood curriculum, and so much more.


Over the course of six sessions held during May, June, and July, the Institute welcomed a diverse audience of attendees, with session attendance ranging from 70 to 136 participants. Session 3 served as a symposium for TECTA apprentices, providing them with an opportunity to learn more about literacy and language development.


One of the highlights of the Institute was the opportunity for attendees to participate in weekly drawings, where selected participants received educational resources to further support their work in the classroom.


As the summer draws to a close, TECTA looks forward to continuing its mission of cultivating a nurturing and empowering environment for young learners across the state. The Summer Research Institute will continue to shape the experiences of early childhood educators and the children they serve so be sure to join us in 2025 for the 17th Annual Summer Research Institute!

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