Tennessee Professional Archive of Learning (TNPAL)

TNPAL is a workforce registry designed to serve as a platform that allows early childhood educators to manage their careers, access resources, and contribute to increasing the overall qualifications of the field.

The TECTA Advantage

The Tennessee Professional Archive of Learning is an online registry for early childhood educators working in licensed child care programs in Tennessee. Users can create individual profiles to document and support their training and professional development, list their professional accomplishments, upload certificates and credentials, develop a professional development plan and track their progress, and more.

TNPAL allows educators to create a portfolio of their accomplishments as they gauge their progress on professional development plans and create a portable record that moves with them as they change jobs and/or move to other positions. It was also designed to promote available training opportunities from all state agencies and capture individual demographic information, credentials, earned degrees or education, and completed trainings.

TNPAL provides a reliable system for Directors to verify the credentials, certifications, and qualifications of early childhood educators. It simplifies the process of reporting data and submitting required documentation, which is important for maintaining a highly skilled and qualified workforce. TNPAL also provides networking features that allow educators to connect with coaches within the early childhood community to share feedback, exchange ideas, and collaborate on professional development planning to enhance their knowledge and best practices.

TNPAL Support
The TNPAL Helpdesk is available Monday – Saturday at 1-615-277-1687. Email support is available at support@tnpal.org.